Friday, 10 May 2013

Car design trend: pop up headlight

Powered hidden headlight were pioneered in GM's Buick Y-Job concept car of 1938 and were used briefly on Chrysler Corporation's 1942 production DeSoto. The feature's popularity has waxed and waned over time. Hidden headlamps regained popularity in the late 1960s, particularly in the US market where aerodynamic headlamps were not permitted. A relatively large variety of cars incorporated hidden headlamps in the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s. Currently, hidden headlamps are out of favour.

It's not quite possible for pop up headlight to popular again in the coming future since car's will no long have to limit by the law regulation and those car engineer won't be willing to get more drag by the headlight. At the same time, car LED headlight is seen as an important styling feature in the car design trend now and it strongly influenced a car feeling given to people. 

In the coming future, headlight is going to remain an increasingly important part for car styling which will eventually go will more complex material in the future.

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